My accuracy drops off pretty quick after 25 yards. 10-20 yards is really good. I'm going to shoot at a deer out around 30 yards but would certainly prefer much closer. I try to set up my stand to get a 15 yard shot.
6-8 years ago I was able to shoot pretty good out to 35. I'm not sure why. Maybe better eyes. I practice a lot. Its not that.
I shoot best at deer, at a walking deer, underneath me. Thats the best. It's just automatic then.
I killed a deer at 45 paces with a perfect shot from a tree stand once. He turned to walk away and it just felt perfect. Couldn't do that on a target in 20 shots!
I killed a nice buck in wyoming at 45 yards or so. It's so easy to shoot too far there. That buck jumped my string really bad, my shot appeared to be perfect but the deer turned away and the arrow hit him in the ham going straight away from me. The WW hit the femoral artery and killed him quickly. lucky!