I've killed hundreds of fish this year ranging from right under my feet out to 22-23 yards. I've not taken a mammal YET.
I only started shooting traditional equipment about 4 years ago...and then it was just in a piddling fashion. I became dedicated on Jan. 1st 2013. I practiced daily. I felt that I was very confident at 15 yards and under. After missing a few deer last year that confidence went out the window.
I started out being steered in the wrong direction about every aspect of this as one could be steered. I finally found this site and got my equipment tuned correctly. Thanks so much to everybody here!
Since then I've dealt with target panic, finger pinch, all kinds of form problems, shoulder injury issues...you name it. Some days I've been on top of the world shooting, other days I can't dig out to see the light of day.
Archery is kinda like marriage...it takes dedication and WORK. It doesn't come easy for me. But I'm dedicated and I'm not going anywhere.
All that rambling aside...all the deer I killed with wheels were under 20 yards (null and void statement here, just saying I like to get close).
I practiced out to 15 yards last year but all the deer seemed to be around 20, I over compensated and shot high every time. This year my go to practice shot from the ground is 22 yards. I'm feeling pretty good about that. Then I shoot elevated from 20 yards. I'm also feeling good with that.
I still mix it up and shoot close too pretty often. I desperately want to get that first kill under my belt this season. I think all the bowfishing I've done has helped me (all though, at one time, I had my doubts). As long as I pick my spot and push like hell at it with my bow hand, I'm usually pleasantly surprised with the shot placement...both on fish and targets now.
We will see how it goes