The limbs were marked 52@28 and when I started flinging arrows they felt as such. Right from the start I started scoring in the ten ring. Needless to say the limbs on my Titan 2 were totally quiet and smooth to draw (but then again I only have a 27 inch draw). A few targets later me and my group, stumble upon a masters target, meaning you have the option to take a long shot for an extra 5 points if you hit the 10 ring, or you could just go ahead and shoot from the normal stake. I thing up to that point I had zero misses and only one five. Confident as I was , I go for the masters stake only to see with disappointment my arrow hitting low... at the end of the day I finished the course with 325 points , score that put me in the middle of the pack in the end results.
Personally , I have never shot that good, and I believe I would have done better if I had tuned the bow before and if stabilizers were allowed.
Anyway I am so happy with the limbs that yesterday I called Jim Neaves to order another pair with the same specs..
Disclaimer: sorry for the bad English ,this is not my native language.
Back home, to my garaze, I put the limbs through the chrono..
How would they do ,against the king of the stable, my BF extremes?
First things first though, I wanted to add the brand new Navajo wool string silencers that I ordered . Like almost everybody else I am making my own string silencers but after I saw a YouTube video from Gray-archer, praising them, pointing out how waterproof they are I had to try them. Guys, if you touch them you will not believe it is wool. They are sticky as they carry some kind of natural lanolin.
Anyway, I already had 2-2 silencers , now adding an extra pair my string ended up with 6 total! That showed on the results..
51#@27 inches, 407 grain arrow, 8gpp.