I'll admit, it took a bit of stubborn determination to figure out a Hill bow. Tuning is a little different than I was used to. Low brace height, arrow spine being close to actual bow weight, the lightness of mass, etc. But after I did figure that stuff out it has become difficult to shoot other bows, especially my recurves. If you just "try" an ASL bow odds are it may not take. For many people they're either a feast or famine type bow. But now my recurves feel like guns going off in my hand, locator grips feel like I have no solid grip on the bow, and literally anything else, even mild R/D's seem loud to me. I absolutley get why ASLs arent for everyone, but if you ever do decide to "try" one I suggest a monkish determination at first, after that they seem to consume you. But, this would all be pretty boring if we all liked and shot the same thing! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!