I just got this WHC Condor 64" 52@29 and have to say its the best bow I have ever had in my hands. I have never had this kind of customer service that I got from Mike Dunaway at WHC bows was by far the best service ever. Beth and Dave at Schafer are what I measure bowyers to and they are the best, Mike sits up there with them in my book.
The riser is made from Mac Ebony with Black Limba Limbs. Ostrich leg leather grip and the grip fits me so nice. I really have never been so pleased with a bow. And I have had them all in my hands at one point. Right now I have a #1 bow for the 2014 Season
Hope you like the pics!!!
I am a huge John Wayne fan and had this quote in my shop up on the wall.
Mike had it placed on the upper limbs for me
Already have plans for another order to Mike ASAP!!