Any organization is only as good, only as "driven", only as focused, as it's "active" members wish it to be. PBS is going thru some subtle changes, to help us be a better organization for the members, and ultimately for bowhunting - as we see it - as a whole. There is a desire within our ranks (PBS) for us to be more than just a gathering for likeminded bowhunters. I think most of us realize now, that we need to be more visible, more active in showing the world who we are and what we stand for...or risk fading into history as some sort of footnote.
PBS ranks are filled with the "best of the best"...and yet we hesitate to step forward many times in a critical role for fear of losing perhaps the best thing about PBS - the fraternalism that really seems to be the glue that keeps us going. Unfortunately, that means that outside our ranks, many don't know about us, and enough time has passed and "other" organizations formed to make PBS lose some of it's attractiveness to other potential bowhunters. We have never worried about that, really, as PBS'ers have always believed that not all are PBS material and you can't "force" something on someone that never really "gets it" anyway. But we do recognize that times change and we must adapt. Hence the website, the forums, and other changes too. And we need new blood and new ideas. There are lots of Trad-gang members who most likely never have heard or checked out PBS. For some of those who haven't I would like to invite you to check out our "Journey of Challenge" website as well as the PBS's main website....and feel free to ask more questions about any of it.
I joined PBS many years ago to be able to share "my" bowhunting with likeminded friends...and I've never regretted it! The magazine, IMO, is worth the price of admission itself. Again, it's only as good as it's members contributions, but at times it rivals any magazine out there, and I guess I'm old fashioned enough to appreciate a good read in my hands vs. a computer screen. The banquets are among the best across the country, and members everywhere are stepping up and holding all sorts of events. And don't forget the youth.....
Enough already....check out this link and the video that is a PBS endeavor featured.