Are you able to hook as hard with the thick glove as you do with the thinner glove?
I know I cannot with the bateman with cordovan overlays the least, I also cant with the bigshot, but its a lot more comfortable. With the cordovan tab (not a no pinch style) I can deep hook the life out of that string!!! Damascus and deer skins are somewhere between the cordovan and the bigshots.
differences in impact are substantial enough or minute depending on what I'm going from but I also noticed the same issue. I shot the tab well, now I cant shoot it for a hill of beans when I convince myself to give it a try to go back.
I shot a Damascus for a lot of years early on I liked the feel. Never could shoot the deer skin or any of the bateman/hill style gloves they were too thick and the stalls came off repeatedly, drove me nuts. I ended up with the tab until I started having issues. At the time I shot a pile and paid dearly for it. A local coach called me out on it and years later it happened...I've never been able to fix it with the tab, seems simple but something in my head wont let me relax. Sure is a nice clean release, maybe someday I'll figure it out.
I started with a glove so I went back to a glove easy as mud right haha...Damascus was too thin, I still dislike deerskins (to thick). Bateman tore my face up and was crazy stiff but clean. Did change my impact. I'm shooting a pair of bigshots currently and like them. There's enough support on the back of my hand the pains not an issue. more importantly unlike the stiff bateman, the bigshot shoots similar to my tabs, though not as slick its close and the change in impact is nil.
The burying in the face deal is another issue that may or may not happen, along with changing your anchor all together. All of which changes the alignment and potential tuning.
Regardless, slight changes can bump you into needing adjustments either on the arrows or bow depending on how close you were to begin with.
If the arrows still fly/group right, tunings out, its an alignment issue, simple, or something else (plucking, looking etc)
If its not you know its likely a hook or some other change that should be quick to spot with a 2nd set of eyes or a camera from above and behind.
For me I was torqing the life out of my arrow with the tab before I swapped...frustrating as heck. The joys of shooting stickbows come with blood sweat and sometimes a few what in sam heck was that's LOL!