Before I went out to sit (9/3) my lovely wife quipped " our freezer is BEAR" don't be too particular. So out I went to the blind.
About 1700, a flock of bluejays started scolding up the mountainside form me and gradually moved downslope toward me. Ten minutes late the bear arived - unconcerned and relaxed. After feeding for awhile, it moved by the blind and downwind. Up went his nose and I expected him to blow out of there. Instead, he moved up to the blind huffing and sniffing. Sticking his nose in the open window he took a deep snoot-ful of yours truly and...nothing. Instead of blowing and running like any proper wild bear should do, he moved to the back of the blind huffing and sniffing. Interesting. This bear was obviously NOT afraid of man. Eventually, it moved off, place unknown. I determined that, should this bear return, I would attempt a shot.....