Does the bow shake in the hand at full draw?
Good sign that you are over
Do you pull past anchor after shooting in repetition?
Some people will fight the weight by manhandling the string in an effort to pull the bow back, after tiring
Can you not hit anchor after shooting in repetition?
A weaker person cannot manhandle and will simply come up short
Does the impact of the arrow err left or right after shooting in repetition?
(left impact for right handed shooter)
Again, an example of overdrawing the bow in an effort to control it.
So many things could be suggested but honestly, if you can do 6 shots perfectly then you are not over weight IMO. Not for a hunting bow.
Perfect practice will build muscle and skill. Focus on the first shot and make it count. Dont get into shooting a lot of arrows, thinking it's good practice. It isnt.
Good practice is learning focus and to make that 1 shot count. Eventually, you will get to many shots but many shots are not needed.
My wife is a little thing that cant draw back a compound bow of 50# for very long comfortably, yet she can anchor and shoot (well) a 68# longbow three times before she starts to err. The only fact IMO thats worth noting is that she can hit the spot she aims at with a bow that is overkill for about every animal in north america. It is not important if she can finish a 3D tourney with that bow...which she certainly could not.
Hitting, holding and releasing from a perfect anchor is all you have to do in terms of bow weight. If you can do that, the bow is not too heavy... you just need to work into it.
Once again .... Just my two cents. Not saying I am right, Just the way I see things here.