Well, of course, that must be true...at least from my experience. But, he says nothing about points, changing point weight, cutting from the nock end, etc. And, the field point that could be there in the video seems short-doesn't appear to be heavier than 125 gr and maybe lighter. Yet he's tuning a heavy hunter 400 to a 71# bow. I think he should have explained that part better.
I just weighed a 32" HH arrow-dipped and crested but not fletched-with aluminum insert and 125 grain point. It weighed 630 grains and showed 13% FOC.
I just expected a bit different setup from the guru of the heavy carbon arrow, and certainly one of the best shots around! That's what threw me off. If it were me, I'd have hung something in the range of 175-250 grains or more on the front when I started with the full length shaft-because that's about where I'd have expected the best results. He obviously was using something MUCH lighter.
Obviously, the man knows much more than I do about all this, and I am always willing to learn something!