outing #4 Bwana stand.
The wind was right for hunting the upper food plots and since it was on the way I was able to check out how much water is still sitting in the retention pond currently under repair.
We are going to rent a pump tomorrow to pump out the water so we can lay down the darn liner. Talk about irony. But the deer are hammering it already. It smelled like an elk wallow when I walked up to it. It's going to be the best thing I have done for the farm in a while for sure.
On the top are two food plots running East and West in Front of the Bwana stand. The white area is forage beans again this year. I couldn't believe how much the deer have eaten in just the last week. But the whole field ( roughly an acre)
was at least a foot shorter tonight then it was a week ago. Simply amazing.
The spine of the hill runs between the two fields. So you can't see over into the beans from my stand. The hill drops off too fast.
The 2nd field which actually shows on the sat photo is a huge failure this year. Operator error some how. Almost the entire field is just weeds.
The wind tonight was out of the SW. Shortly after getting settled in, I spotted a deer running towards me thru the prairie grass. I stood and got the bow in hand. Almost perfect except the deer below and in front of me at 7 yards is a buck fawn. Little tiny bumps protruded from his forehead. Looked like little Hersey's kisses. He obviously got a pass.
The next three deer were one doe followed by three spikes. They came into my side of the field on a trail about 25 yards East (behind me). They fed a little in the weed field. I guess a little of the right seed did grow and then they crossed the mowed trail on the hill crest and went in to the beans.
Then just at last light a whole parade of 7 does and fawns came into the weed field from the West. I thought for sure I was now going to have to sit until it was pitch dark. But when they got to beans something spooked them back towards me . Four of them ran directly under me and down the ridge behind me.
I have a couple of pictures from tonight but will have to post them in the Am . Forgot the camera down in the yurt.