Here is the food plot, she was about mid field. ( star)
The 2nd star on the left is the entrance to the stand.
I stayed behind the big crab apple tree. I took my pack off and while she was busy feeding , I finished dressing and put the pack back on. I then back tracked until I was out of her line of sight and looped down to the edge of the timber and then snuck in to the stand.
I had no intentions of hunting the little doe but I did not want her running back down any of the ridges alerting other deer. I was able to make it in with out alerting her.
The wind remained gusty all afternoon. At 5 15 pm I saw movement on the other side of the fence that runs along the top of the food plot. This fence separates the plot from a rocky weedy field that I mow once a year. Usually I mow it in early May. The grass now is quite high and a young 10 point buck seemed to be just floating along. He rounded the back of that yellow crab apple and stopped short. Besides dropping my pack there I also had taken a pee. The buck sniffed around and was now on alert. He stood under the tree for a quite awhile and then slowly came my way for about 15 yards. He was just on the very upper edge of the food plot, when he decided he had some where else to be. He reversed course and marched back the way he had just come from. He will be a good buck if he can live a couple more years.
It was over an hour before the next deer was sighted. The deer should be coming from the left but they will appear anywhere. I was starring thru the leaves in the branches in front and to my left when legs appeared. A spike/fork ( spork)
was walking and feeding my way. He came and stood in the little opening right in front of the stand eating the clover. Then he turned to the right and walked right in and stood straight down in front of me.
The Two Aspens just to the left of the opening in front of the stand have been rub trees for a couple of seasons. He walked over to one of them and had to push hard to get his antlers around the trunk. He then rubbed the tree hard and grunted softly. Pulled his head free, looked out into the field and then rubbed the tree again. I am sure I had a giant smile on my face. He was no more than 8 yards from me without a clue I was near!
After he finished rubbing he walked back out into the field to eat some more. 2 does were under the crab apple eating fallen fruit. Finally when it was quite dark, I made some loud grunt calls with my tube and drove them off so that I could head on home.
Experiences like tonight is what I think Hunting is all about!