I am anxious to be hunting. While I have an important engagement tomorrow that can't be missed, I will be thinking about hunting while I'm there.
Here is a Google Earth Flyover of the farm showing all of my stand locations.

Unfortunately the contours of the ridges don't show up in these saved images. So to give you an idea of the steepness of the ridges let's use #4, 5, & 6 as examples. ( I switched to numbers on Google earth as the names were too long and covered too much detail). I have also drawn in the actual logging roads that are 4 wheeler accessible
Stand #4 AKA rattlesnake ridge, is 600 feet above stands #5 & #6, but only about 300 actual yards away.
All of my stands have names to help me keep track of what is going on and also to help direct my friends as to where they should sit. They are named for some one who killed a deer there, or a unique aspect of the stand, or something that happened at the spot. Some stands may only get hunted once or twice a year. I keep a daily spread sheet to record when a stand was hunted and what happened on that hunt. This helps me from over hunting a spot and the results are fun to look at year end.
In bluff country the winds can be really tricky. So some times one stand won't work but another on the other side of the ridge 50 yards distant does. If I get to a spot and the wind is wrong, I then have multiple options to go to.
The deer are really hitting the food plot right behind the house. I would really like to get one of the really big does that call the farm home.

If your season begins tomorrow, good shooting!