for 3 years now I have only used climber. From my experience, you can shoot any bow you want from a climber, but there are factors that you will have to take into account while deciding how high/low to hunt.
1. Bow length
With a long bow you will have to stay much lower to the ground to allow for your typical 15 yd and in shots. (don't ask me how i know this..
2. the rail size
What I mean by this is, I have a "el cheapo" stand that I have killed all of my deer out of. It can be bought and shipped to your door for under $80. It weight 1/2 a ton, but i'm young and it keeps me in shape!
. This stands rails are short than my knees while sitting down(the rail would literally be on my knees if the seat didn't drop below the railing some). With this rail being so short, it allow me to have better options for shooting without having to remember to lean out into the rail(wear a harness people!) while shooting.
But i have hunted out of a summit viper before and the rail was way bigger than what I am used to. No way for me to shoot my 66" longbow out of it.
With all that being said, this year I acquired a lock on to try out, so I am going to use it all season.
I hope this helped, sorry for the long post.