I think I know what you're trying to get at, just not sure karma is an ideal term. Karma being a term from eastern religion carries too much attachment to debt for past actions/ right vs. wrong, i.e. "sin" etc. When I think of the concept you're trying to illustrate I think more of terms like the Lakota term 'wakan' which describes something that is 'holy/divine/mysterious' etc...the Lakota viewed many or most of the things around them as having some level of 'wakan' or 'medicine' attached to them. Objects or actions could involve good or bad medicine/ positive or negative spiritual power or anima. The Hoodoo word of African origin for it is mojo. I like that one. It is tied to spiritual power or luck. Actually, on that note, in Heathenry this concept is described by the term 'orlog', which can be described as 'moral momentum'...again, not 'moral' as in right or wrong valuation but rather 'moral momentum' involves "fundamental actions which determine our experience of the world around us". Actually, I think this is very relevant to the hunter (or warrior for that matter)...one's 'orlog' basically involves all the things we have done and our ancestors have done to set our path on the wheel of time...fate. Your orlog ultimately determines your luck/success. In a way this is similar to 'karma' but it differs greatly in that there is no valuation of 'right' or 'wrong' attached to it. It could be said that as hunters all of the things like scouting, equipment preparation, shooting practice, choice of prey, understanding of environmental conditions, ethics, what our father did or didn't teach us, etc all determine our 'orlog' in the field and our ultimate success in taking the animal. Or something like that. LOL.