There's no such thing as an abstract "force" that empowers some and afflicts others. Whatever you call it -- mojo, luck, karma, etc. -- and whether one believes it guides animals, arrows or lightsabers, it's all bosh. Superstition.
But there is a Creator who made all things, who at times intervenes in His creation and blesses or afflicts individuals as He will. So if one properly respects God's creation and ways, they may find things going well. To casually dismiss that as an impersonal force, karma, or dumb luck is, I believe, disrespectful.
But the rain also falls on the just and the unjust, so sometimes things just happen with no rhyme or reason to it.
Nature, the animal kingdom, bowhunting, and hunting in general... they are all great blessings & privileges that we have been given by God, and I am thankful for the opportunity... But I direct my gratitude to the Creator, not the creation, mojo, karma, etc.