We seem to be in discussion mode and actually I think we are doing it quite well, all in all. That my friends is awesome. I get to learn what others think about the same topic.
Keeping up the talk, and please, only civil discussion of what you think.
I read a lot of talk about bow hunting being a "sport", we hunt for sport. What does that mean ? Do I really have sport with this or am I fulfilling a need, a physical or mental need ?
I don't eat for sport, or drink for sport. Even though I may keep remnants and reminders of my hunt and of my eating and drinking (photos, pieces of things like leaves, mugs, menus etc, hides, heads, whatever), is it really sport ?
Note. . I don't video myself to share with others (or at all), I am usually alone when I hunt, I tend to pass up way more than I ever shoot, I tend to smile a lot when I am out there seeing things that I know others will never see, or understand if they did see it. I also don't recall ever jumping up and down and screaming when I hit something.
Is it sport ?