so i was out shooting this morning with some buds at the range. while shooting my glass lam longbow i was using some bamboo arrows i made up for it specifically for target shooting. well they all gave me flak for using primitive arrows with a "modern" longbow. "there is a golden rule that bamboo arrows are only to be shot from "primitive" bows." they all said. "that's like driving a goat drawn Ferrari." lol
well these boo arrows are spined and weight matched, duplex nails for points, rind scraped/sanded off and dark brown leather dyed the full length with banana cut feathers, and wrapped selfnocks. not exactly "primitive". they gasped when they found out they were bamboo.
so, trad/primitive police, am i breaking a "golden" rule? anyone else do this too? i can't be the only crazy one out there.
oh, and they were all using wood arrows that i made them.