I will be the first to admit, that I have NEVER been one that looked for a piece of bone on top, and judge my "trophy" by that. BUT, i do have a desire to kill something a little larger than my current "record" so far, a 15" 6 point, which was killed about 8 years ago, not to mention, with a gun.
I was introduced to a new area to hunt today, it is public land, so no baiting, no leaving stands, nothing like that. I went scouting and there were deer tracks EVERYWHERE, and I do mean EVERYWHERE!!.
Some weird things I noticed was that I didn't see any deer droppings. I found a few acorn trees that were dropping, a million tracks, and then i stumbled on a rub line. As someone who has never killed anything to write home about, I am very interested in this rub line. This area produced several deer over 180" last year, as well as one over 200".
What would you do, if you had this area to hunt.
As a side note, where I am hunting, it would be a couple mile walk for anyone to get close to me. So i don't believe other hunters are there. I am walking in through a friends land that butts up against the reserve.