I am not a fan of fur silencers. They look awesome, but as far as deadening vibration or noise I find them to be wanting.
On brace height I think you will do better at 8-8 1/4" on that bow, give it a try.
Also, try a minimum of 10-11 gpp arrow. Actually I've noticed on most bows once you hit 11-12 gpp that's when things REALLY start to get very quiet, but 10+ is a good rule of thumb.
Then there's the Bowhush. The stuff works, and it IS more effective than plain old store bought knitting wool from what I have found in my testing. Terry and the girls are NOT pulling our legs by telling us this is special wool.
The Hush Puppies work excellent also and rob hardly any energy from the string. They are light yet very dense material. Lots of folks have confirmed this.
Lastly, if you want the most vibration and sound absorption in my experience few things beat properly constructed rubber cat whisker balls on the string, either one pair of larger balls or two pairs of smaller balls. These need to be done right...just tying some floppy whisker material on the string isn't going to do it, they need to be bundled correctly so that when the material is cut they pop into a nice ball shape.
The rubber is heavier than any wool product, which to me is the main reason it is so effective. It robs a little more energy from the string, but we're not talking much, and it's certainly not an issue on a bow like the Grizzly.
Order a set of Bow Hush and also strongly consider ordering a brand new B55 string from Allen Shafer at TenRing Strings with either his Double Katz dual whiskers or a single set of larger whiskers like I was describing.