My elk season this year turned out way better than I ever could have predicted......
Given a few life circumstances I had mentally prepared myself for a fun year of hiking around the hills, maybe shooting a few grouse and lots of stumps, and hopefully helping a few friends. Here is my back story for any of you who are interested. I am originally from SE Idaho and have been hunting all of my life. Most of my hunting was done with my best buddy and lifetime hunting partner, my dad. Sadly, he passed away right at the end of the 2010 archery season from a major heart attack. He was only 48 and very healthy so needless to say it was devastating. He was a traditional bow hunter and passed that on to me, a gift I will forever cherish and try to pass on to my kids as well. Getting back on the horse after loosing my dad has been difficult. It seemed like ever time I went out hunting, even if the hunting was good, I ended up depressed he wasn't there like good old times.
Well, over the past 4 years since his passing my life has taken several dramatic turns. My wife and I moved to Florida (where she is from) and I did almost no hunting and hardly shot my bow for almost 2 years. Our family grew and we decided that raising our kids in the city was not what we wanted. We had lived in Bozeman, MT for about 5 years while I went to school and we decided that a small town in Montana was our goal destination. Last December we landed in Hamilton, MT. Hamilton is an amazing place and I am grateful to call it home. I work in construction and have to travel out of town occasionally, plus I have 3 small kids so I guess you could say I didn't do as much scouting as I would like in my new area of the state. Plus I didn't shoot my bow as much as I should so I was not overly optimistic that I would get an animal in what I call "slam dunk" range. Even though I know first hand nothing is ever a "slam dunk."
Montana has a 6 month residency requirement so by the time September rolled around I was eligible for resident tags. Luckily I have made some good friends in the few months I've been here and they invited me out opening day.
Opening day turned out to be a good hike and a good day to see some new country. We did get into a few elk and heard a bugle as we were walking back to the truck in the dark. Fast forward to this past weekend, only the 2nd weekend of the season. All of my hunting buddies had other plans so I planned a solo backpacking/hunting trip into a nearby area where we heard the bugle the weekend before. It turns out that was a very wise (lucky) decision.