thanks for posting the pic izzy, my cousin owns some land in columbia county.went in at dark waited for light found a good tree to climb, after jumping six deer. 10 mins go by and two more does come by the big one comes under my stand. she gets 4 yards from the stand and auto pilot kicks in. next thing i know shes running off with my arrow sticking out of her. shooting a 58 at 28 i was surprised i didnt get a pass through. even though i thought the shot was alittle to far back. i gave her 3 hrs and after talking things over with a few friends, we decided i must had hit a couple of ribs. the blood trail started out sparce but costant. after about 80 yards the blood picked up quite a bit. another 20 yards and i found my deer. the arrow had taken out the liver and one lung and had hit the of side leg bone so know pass thur. should be a good tasting deer seening she had been eating soy beans all summer