NOTHING this morning!!!!!!!!!! :confused:
Set from 7:30 to about 1:30... Lots of birds, a few squirrels... NO DEER!!! Not a tail, Not a flick of an ear... Not even a "I thought I saw one sneeking through the brush".....
NO SIGN EITHER!!!!! I found a few scapes last week. Pissed in them to try and freshen them... Nothing!!! A couple days ago, I took the tip of my old Grizzly and flipped a bunch of leaves in them... Yesterday nothing, Today nothing... No attempt whatsoever, to open them back up!!!!
Now I'm STUMPED!!!!! There is usualy a good deer population on the property we hunt. A good number of Does,Fawns,and young bucks. Usualy we see, or see sign of, a real bruiser or two. Most years, the woods are all tore up by this time with lots of scrapes,and all the cedar trees up to a foot in diameter, are all raked to hell!!!
This year??? NOTHING!!!!!
Hmmmmm, Whodathunkit.....