Well the tracker came over at 8 this morning. We discussed the shot and looked at the arrow and hair. We got up to the start of the trail and that wire haired dog put his nose down and went to work on the trail. When we got to the last spot of blood I found yesterday the dog went straight about forty yards then took a hard right crossed the creek and up a cliff that is so steep not to mention thick that you have belly crawl up, at this point the tracker wasn't sure about the trail and started back down the lane which crosses the creek 30 yards further down the creek while I was searching for blood along the creek. In a matter of seconds the tracker yelled I have him ! I thought he had found blood but the dog went back to the creek and found the deer in a big popular tree that fell down. Unfortunately the coyotes found him before we did and really did a number on him. All I could save was the neck meat. I was within 20 feet of the deer when I called the tracker yesterday. I feel like two or three more steps and I would have found him. The tracker said he was surely a 3.5 year old deer and commended my tracking him that far and said I had done the right thing backing out no being certain of the hit. This beautiful animal deserved a better death and I hope he was dead when the coyotes found him. I know I did everything possible and that along with encouragement some fellow gangers have given has eased my mind some. I filled out my tag and will do everything in my power to never feed the coyotes again. Here is to the greatest game animal the whitetail.