Marvin, sorry on Tuesday at 7:10 am I had a 15 yd shot at nice 6pt. He was movin but slow. I shot hit him about 8 inches from tail. I could not believe my incompetence! Arrow fell out ten yes after hit. I watched him stop about 45 yds away wondering what happened. I told myself I would not leave stand for at least an hour.
In that hour I thought of taking up golf, selling my bow incl the tip on order. I actually considered putting the safety harness around my neck and jumping off the tree stand. I said a prayer, then a high mass etc. after giving myself a real beating I said I owed it to the critter to spend all day looking even though ass shots have little chance of recovery..
Got down and noticed blood immediately, went to arrow and totally intact (cedar w Simmons land shark). It had deep dark blood half way up. Really surprised me arrow came out so quickly. I decided since he was slightly quartering away I may have got the artery. So do not push him. Had to drive a friend to vote so I decided to do that after I drive down dirt road I felt he probably crossed. I figured truck would not spook him out of bed, not 50 yes down road he was laying there with head up looking other way. I was only 15 yes away and stopped truck, he jumped up and I could not believe the damage, blood and he started to go into woods but was really hurting. I put truck in reverse and came back with friend after we voted, probably two hrs.
When I returned I tracked blood trail that Ray Charles could have seen. He was only 20 yes from road and had expired.
I did not deserve this buck but I was pleased the coyotes wouldn't get him. I am ashamed by my poor shot and I think I peeked when I released. I only tell this story to relate that strange things happen even when we mess up. I will work hard during winter bow league to improve my skills.