Dacron has more vibration, but it seems to be more noticeable on longbows or bows with less mass weight.
For me, more vibration is more noise and it lasts longer. The pitch changes, but I get more with Dacron than with BCY-X.
The pitch and level can vary depending on the material, strand count, bow style, string construction, etc.
Some bows seem to "like" one material over another. In my experience--and that reported to me by countless customers over the past two decades--Dacron is not inherently quieter.
To the contrary, I've noticed it being noisier and have had customers report the same, compared to 100% HMPE materials. Not all of them, but more than enough to convince me there's more to it than just the string material.
There's also tuning, silencer placement, silencer material, nock fit, arrow weight, your release, bow design, bow tiller, etc.
So, again...no "one size fits all" answers. What you get will depend on a ton of variables, and could change from one string to the next or one bow to the next.