Hey ya'll, I have a few things that I just have too much of and if you are needing OR wanting some, now is a great time (plus I am building a new work/travel trailer
). Prices are cut deep off of what are already very good prices.
I have extended the sale for ????
All in stock shafts (except Heavy Hunters) to include blems and custom fletched arrows (you pick colors) 15% off.
All Heavy Hunters shafts or custom fletched arrows 20% off.
All quivers 10% off.
Used bows 10% + free shipping
New Bear and Discounted new Bear - 10% + free shipping...I have a bunch!
Purchase a BigJim in stock bow and receive free shipping and 1 dz gold tip blems or closeout shafts.
More info and actual pricing is available on the website
Please help to keep this up at the top so everyone can have a chance to find out.
Thanks for your support, BigJim and crew