This was another apple orchard deer. Went out at 2:15 today, weather was cold, drizzly and even had a couple flakes. Figured the deer would be making to the fields early, and of course getting some dessert in the process.
Just when you think you have them figured out. :confused: They did not start moving until right before sunset (6:45), and with the weather the way it was, dark was coming early.
Two does, two fawns and a spike buck made their way into the apple orchard and started attacking the apples. It is always amusing to me to watch deer eat apples. They seem to struggle to open their jaws wide enough to get an apple in. So they crunch them to get them into bite size pieces and slobbering like crazy the whole time. It is also a great time to watch herd dynamics, pecking order and dominance displays.
This doe was the biggest and the first to give a good shot presentation. After the shot placement discussion after his youth deer. A quartering on shot that ended well, he passed on a quartering to shot and waited for a solid broadside shot.
At the shot she jumped out the way and looked around with a "what just happened" look. Stood there for a little bit then slowly walked towards the alfalfa field 30 yards away.
Waited the 30 minutes and found her piled up 10 yards into the field.
The shot was a little far back but did get the back of both lungs.
Now on to his buck tag. He is telling me he is going to be a little picky...but we will see.
Very nice to have venison in the freezer, and tomorrow night will grind and mix up some chorizo, italian, and lemon venison sausage.
Between the three of us, we still have four tags left...maybe, just maybe Dad will get some hunting time in yet.