Wow....thanks for the response.
I was bummed about my pictures as they did not show enough Moose. Although it looks sunny it was the shot was 10 minuets latter than my self imposed cutoff as I was hunting alone. I had about an hour and a half of light left so I snapped a few pictures and started cutting.Flies where bad, even after sundown.
I had 6 game bags in my pack which worked out well. I used the no gut method and the meat came off slick and clean. Even a little Moose was a bit to horse around alone. My next Elk will be a breeze.
I got the loads away from the kill site and emptied my Eberlestock pack of all I could spare and strapped a front shoulder on and headed for the truck. Once there I grabbed my frame and headed the mile and a half back up for a second load. I had the meat all propped up on logs to cool and if anyone has ever heard blow flies in the dark you know how worrisome that can be. I loaded up my frame and headed out. It is an awesome feeling to have meat on your back and heading off the mountain alone in the dark.
The next morning I was at the trailhead at first light to finish the job. The meat cooled well and no Bears or Wolves had found it.
Thanks for looking and listening. Rob