I own several all wood Schulz and Miller bows and have shot them for about 4-5 yrs. I like the bows, but it is important to remember, they are more like a self-bow than a laminated glass bow. If you have shot a nice self bow, then you know what to expect.
In comparing the glass and the wood, the glass will probably last longer, will shoot faster, and will be more tolerant to handling. You can't string a self bow or one of these and leave it strung, because you leave yours strung on a bow rack for days on end. You can't let others shoot it, when they draw 28.5" or more when it was made for a 28" draw. You can't flex the bow backwards to take out the string follow, because you think it looks odd.
If you are fortunate to own one, treat it with respect and it will serve you well. I like to think of them as a bow with a memory.