I hurried home from work tonight. I got home and he was ready to go. We headed out and I dropped him off about a half a mile from where I was heading to. I got a text from him at about 5:30 saying he hit a deer.
I texted him back asking for some details. He replied that he thought it was a good hit. I told him to back out and I would meet him at the road. We went back to the scene and he showed me where he was and where the deer was standing at the shot. He was standing between three oak trees that were about eight inches in diameter and in about a four foot circle. The deer walked out in front of him and offered him a 20 yard shot.
The shot was a little back but still caught the back of both lungs. It only made it about 40 yards and we found it. My son is allergic to deer dander so I have to do all the field dressing and skinning or he swells up like a balloon.
He has struggled with shooting traditional bows for the last 3-4 years. He has shot longbows and recurves since he was about 12. He has always hunted archery season with a compound untill this year. He went with me to Denton Hill this year and sat through a seminar by Joel Turner and it helped him a ton. His shooting has done a complete 180 in the right direction. To say he is excited is an understatement.