I believe a well made osage bow will last the owner a life time.
For me it is readily available where I live, and a challenge to take it's normally dogleg, twisted configuration and turn it into a straight nicely reflexed bow stave.
It works easily, much easier to rasp and scrape than hickory and has a wonderful radiance in is grain. Watching those golden curls scrape from the wood makes you feel rich and privileged to own it.
It will make a great bow of any design design, narrow, wide, long or short, doesn't matter, osage is up to the task.
It cuts like a raw potato when green, forget the tales about sparks flying from a chain saw or dulling blades one after another. Anybody that sees sparks flying from their chain when they cut it has hit grit embedded in the bark or hit a nearby rock.
I guess you all can tell I love of osage. I also have enough cut and stored to last me a lifetime.