I watched her run off, she blew out of there like her butt was on fire. I could tell she was badly hurt, and by her reaction at the shot I figured I had hit heavy bone on the offside. Her blowing out of there had startled a gang of crows, who were letting their discontent me known. I heard her slow from a run to a walk, out of sight in a cedar grove about 30 yards off to the left. Couldn't hear a crash over those damned crows, though.
A sat as still as the adrenaline and excitement would let me for 30 minutes. I fought the shakes back during the shot, but I couldn't stop them after. I fired a couple quick texts off to my hunting partners (my best friends in the world) telling them to hunt till dark, then get their blood trailing britches on.
After an hour I got down to examine the shot sight. The lack of a pass through troubled me a little, but I knew I had hit her well. At the shot sight I found some hair and a little blood. About five yards away I found the last 12 inches of my arrow and broadhead. It was covered in crimson, bubbly blood with some lung material on it. YES!!! I backed out and met my friends back at the truck. We got a game plan and proceeded back to the trail. This is what we found 15 feet from the shot sight....