snowplow,I just don't see how you expect a .500 spine arrow to shoot that kind of point weight out of a 51# bow.When you add front end weight to drastically increase FOC,you have to jump up one or two spine groups to get them to shoot.I need .350-.340 spined shafts to get in to the higher FOC numbers.You can't just pick a weaker spined shaft because it's lighter,then pile on point weight.That is the challenge with increasing FOC-keeping overall weight where you want it.
I don't think you will get .500 spine shafts to tune with 300+ grs up front.You will at least need .400 shafts.If you want to talk about 30% FOC,you are going to need .350-.340 spine.That's why people told you about the Victories.The GT's are too heavy to get what you want.