I'm sorry guys but throwing away the paper is hog wash! Its not my FIRST tool but it is A tool that can be used effectively, one of a few and I'd recommend using them! I do the exact same thing to reconfirm what I've found in bareshafting and it works when one knows how to use it, and works quite well! It's not easy to get a PERFECT bullet hole but I've been as close to perfect as you can get and know many others who have as well! Its also a good place to go back too to double check any changes either in you or you setup!
Kudo's to a guy trying to make the attempt to tune!
I opt to bareshaft first, up close, and moving back as I get things dialed in. Be careful you don't crack a carbon, go too far too fast and you WILL break a woodie!!!!! People complain about the target medium (arrows not acting exactly like they flew while penetrating), you'll prove to yourself that's not the case usually, in some targets like burlap stuffed with plastic it will move, the idea here isn't FINAL its INITIAL tuning! I'm NOT bare shaft GROUP testing yet, but do get to that point!!!
There's a lot of books with bits and pieces. Byrons book has a good bit of tuning and fine tuning info, probably more than more than most in in one book. Paper tuning is getting phased out by the nay sayers, unfortunately!
Static spine is this.
An arrow deflected on a spine tester. Measured in pounds or .000" If you plan on shooting woodies, its an extremely wise decision to either buy from ONE seller, AND/OR buy/build a spine tester! A spine tester becomes more important if you buy from multiple sources. This is why MANY have made the change to carbon or earlier on aluminum, consistency no matter where they were in the world or who they bought them from, unlike woods.
Dynamic spine is not a measurement. Its a reaction. how a arrow reacts, nothing more in its simplest form. If you care you can sit and read Naglers book from the 30's, lots of great info, nothing has changed! First you need to understand Static spine before you can move to dynamic.
For woods, its a 28" arrow bop to throat, 125gr head. longer lengths decreases, shorter increases spine. point weights, more weight decreases, less increases spine.
It's irrelevant what spine tester you run, as long as you only run one!
Things like braceheight, string material, center or non centershot all affect how the arrows will act and what you need to consider when looking for spine and making adjustments. Unlike your plunger bows there's little to adjust in, but you CAN go out as mentioned. If you spend any time reading about the greats, it was said (I have no first hand knowledge obviously), that Fred Bear used to tape cigarette butts to the riser to get his arrows to fly, than built the shelf out after prelim shooting with a more permanent fix.
Dynamic will effect a carbon/wood/alum to varying degrees but the effect is the same. Load up the front and you make that arrow bend upon release more than with a lighter head...making it ACT weaker. Try it.
Reducing bh makes an arrow ACT weaker, increasing stiffens.
Going to a FF or similar high tech string will make your arrows act weaker, go to a skinny and they'll act weaker yet.
increasing serving weight (center of string) affects dynamic....
tight/loose nocks affect dynamic.
etc etc.....
Being you're shooting carbons, a simple test, play with those points. Hopefully you haven't cut the shafts down yet!!!!
I would move to group testing to really fine tune things after you're done or think you're done paper tuning. You can find the info on OL's web page on bare shaft planing.
Nock right (through paper) is stiff, nock left is weak. A slight nock high is not a bad thing (if you can find Bill Matlocks tuning guide I'd highly recommend it)!
The end result is you cant make any changes until you understand what you're seeing. Make ONE change at a time! If you change point weights I'd go 35gr or more change to see results. Increase more if you're way off isn't a bad thing, but becareful you don't go overboard! If you cut shafts keep the cuts small, 1/4" or less if you're ocd prone like myself lol.
I'm going to end with this.
if you're showing stiff and you build the arrow shelf out, how will your arrow act without any other changes?
If you're showing stiff and go to a lighter head how will the arrow react?