Ron isn't kidding about no cards and actually having a conversation after supper. We sit around and debate, laugh, solve the worlds problems, and talk about old hunts. Someone is always stopping by, and that's always fun.
Put it this way...we all know that our local herd is in trouble up there because of last winter and possibly the wolves. Ron and I just hung up, and we both agreed that we (at least he and I) aren't shooting any does. It's going to be a slim year. Yet NOBODY considered not going to camp.
Shrewhaven is a place that we all get to enjoy TRADITIONAL ARCHERY....that's what it's about.Heck, I'm not even taking a treestand to camp this year. I'm planning a Shrewhaven season on the ground, sneaking around the pines...and hopefully a whopper buck. Or at least a story to tell.....