It's the Dying Season here as we wait for the rains, and this girl was struggling. I was struggling, too. She wouldn't run away, and I couldn't shoot in a way that I'm real proud of. To begin with, I saw her sit down next to a creek, and I took my thongs off and snuck over. She had her arse to me, and saw me as I tried to change the angle. She got up, and stared at me, head lowered (not aggressive, just weak). Eventually I decided just to crab-walk my way to a broadside angle in full view to see what she would do. She just stayed there, which led me to think that she felt pretty sick. I was broadside, and close, and I still missed. Good grief! So bad. My second arrow was a bad hit, and she trotted away and fell over. Then she got back up and slowly walked away, before laying down. I left the scene to give her some time, and by the time I found her again she was back on her feet, head still down. My new thongs were rubbing my feet raw, and I took them off to try to get in behind her again. She cottoned-on and started walking away, and I decided to stop being stealthy and just jogged after her. I put her down with some quick shooting at close range, keeping an eye out for suitable trees to dodge around should the need arise, but it was all pretty safe and straight-forward. Reckon I did the poor girl a favour.