I'm heavier than what Kirk recommends, but that's ok. It works for me and for my purposes. Once I get to bump around some potential hunting grounds here in TN, I'll learn if it's that much different from my past experiences and I have to actually change or tweak my set up!
I know that Kirk shot lighter arrows, both in that 9.5 to 10.5 gpp range and got some eyebrow raising speeds out of my 47# bow! I've got the arrows, that would give me that if I sacrificed some of the front weight and FOC...so till I actually get to check out new hunting grounds, I'm not building those Beman speed shafts into arrows just yet...
So far, my Sassy Lady gives me decent trajectory out to 40 (which I very seldom shoot), excellent penetration and good accuracy... but I may want to tweak it some if the country here turns out to be more open than as thick as I hunted before.
Those who read my review a couple years back, know why I'm tickled and how long I waited to get a bow that performs in all areas of my desired outcomes.
Tip of the hat, Mr. Lavender!