First of all: a warm welcome from the Netherlands!
Some advice: you are right not to spend to much money on your first traditional bow. Most likely you will soon buy another bow when you like the traditional shooting. And likely you will end up as a bowaholic like most of us.
So a second hand bow (check out the classifieds here) is a good idea.
As for draw weight: do yourself a favor and go not higher then 40 lbs. A traditional bow is a whole other breed then a compound.
A low drawweight allows you to get a proper form which is so important. Once you develop bad habbits, it is very hard to get rid of them. Higher drawweights opens the door for bad habits for sure!
Maybe it is hard to find a used bow in a lower draw weight. In this case a new budget bow like a Samick is the way to go. Or a Bodnik/Bearpaw bow from Kust om King.
Enjoy the journey bro!