I got to spend some much needed time in the woods today, no game harvested, but was a wonderful trip! I hiked to my stand at 630, just in time to hear the woods come alive. At about 7:30 I hear what sounded like a heard of cattle coming my direction. I knew only one thing that made that much noise , a flock of turkeys! I stood up in my stand and got ready. They made their way closer, about 50 yards and closing, with a big tom leading the flock. I counted 47 all together! He was a little ahead, about 30 yards now. I was shaking with excitment. Only 10 more yards and he would be mine. Things ended as fast as they started however. I had forgoten my facemask in the truck, and he picked me out like a sore thumb. Putt putt puttt and gone! Oh well , still an awesome morning in gods creation!