I don't pay much attention to all the hoopla about broadheads. Essentially, if a head is strong enough to hold together when striking bone, is sharp enough to penetrate and cut cleanly, and flies well from the particular bow in use, it is sufficient. I have used Razorheads, Zwickey, and Magnus, and all are simple heads that kill a deer if you hit him where you are supposed to. Most of us choose a head out of personal preference, and we may be heavily influenced by what "they" say. At least on whitetails, I don't think it makes any real difference. On larger and tougher game the situation may change, and subtle differences make become more significant. However, I don't think the Indians knapped specialized points to use on varying types of animals. In short, use the point that you have confidence in. If the Montecs are doing it for you, why bother with all the rest of the reports you read? Granted, I am not technologically interested, but for most situations, simplicity works just fine.