Here in FL its currently legal to hunt them year round on private land day or night, and you don't need a hunting permit. However on public land hunting is restricted to 'day' only, and the open seasons on that particular WMA, the legal methods are narrowed also. Recently I believe a few WMA's allow after dark but its highly restricted.
I feel strongly that FL should open up the WMA's to year round hunting for them day or night, just like private land. I guess they won't cause they'd have to have officers keeping track at all hours for safety reasons and to prevent deer poaching during the off season or whatever.
I support swine genocide 100%.
Wanna hear something crazy though...this morning I was driving to work and on the radio during the news they made a blurb about how FWC in one region of FL was going to start working with some high end restaurants or some crap to bring "wild boar" to the table??? WTH??? I about spit out my coffee. I need to fact check and see what the backstory on this is or if the newscaster didn't have their facts straight. That's all we need is the government making some kinda management deal on them with some restaurants and then they're going to restrict private hunters even more cause its a money maker.