Hey yall i was finally able to finish my bow after my whole back injury ordeal, my bros has been done for some time now, and it looked great. I put on my finish and let it dry. String it up and shoot several dozen arrows and my bro starts to notice something...The bottom limb is starting not to bend as much as it did befor about 12" from the tip. So much so that it moved my brace height(less than 1/4"). I dont have any pics cuz no camera. I used the straight edge when tillering and had a local bow maker come out before i finished it to give it the once over as well. This is my first bow, a Dryad Hedge and cocobola pulling 55# at 26". since i dont have any pics i hope that this is a good enough explaination of what is going on. Will it make much difference? what, if anything can be done?
Thank you