Sunday morning, i committed the cardinal sin of bowhunting: i didn't pick a spot.
i had a huge doe, in exactly the spot i set up for, head behind a big pine tree, vitals exposed, at 5 yards. i was sitting in my ground blind, and waited until exactly the right moment. it was such a gimmie, that i skipped the most important step of shooting at a live target - pick a spot!!!
i have only missed one other shot that close in 12 years, and it haunts me to this day.
i drew, and released, all in one motion, and shot 1/2" over her back. since Sunday, that target image has flashed into my mind at least once every few minutes, and it won't go away, and it makes me physically ill. i looked at the whole deer, and it cost me. the worst part is, i know that those shots usually only happen once a year, if at all.
and it doesn't make me feel any better admitting it, but hopefully someone else will benefit from my mistake. :(