If you search around on the web, you can find some sites selling the full suit for slightly cheaper; they also come up used on occasion.
I've had one for 4 years. Have had no issues with fitment; as mentioned, they run slightly baggy on purpose so they can fit over clothes. Mine has been used many times and in lots of environments; it is holding up well, only the area around my wrists has started to fray a little bit.
I've found the lower part of the pants snag on various things, so I stopped using them; however, if you wear rubber boots, you could probably tuck them in. No complaints with the mask, though I stopped using it awhile back and just use CarboMask on my face with a shemagh or neck gaiter.
I've had deer incredibly close while wearing this leafy suit. It definitely works.
My only real complaint is that the synthetic material the leafy parts are made out of, combined with the light tan used as the base color for ASAT, tends to stand out in low-light conditions. It is a bit too light in my opinion and unlike say wool or another natural fiber, it doesn't absorb light and blend in well. So just be aware of your surroundings and how you blend in during these lighting conditions.