Originally posted by Archer1977: So I wonder often what did the successful old school hunters like Fred Bear and the like carry with them in the field and in what?I never see them in pictures with bloated daypacks like many hunters today.
Originally posted by tenth1: What is the phone for?
Originally posted by warbird: The one thing that strikes my memory that every old timer I hunted with had was a Buck 110. One of the 440c models before that 420hc crap.
Originally posted by woodchucker: I've honestly never seen any reason to carry binocs..... :confused: If I see a deer, I know it's a deer. If I need to know if it's a buck, Or a doe... I can definately tell the differance way before it gets within shooting range.Personaly, I find them heavy,cumbersum,and generaly a pain in the butt!!!