Holy smokes, Thanks very much Tom!
Who knew that not only are you a deer killin' machine but an excellent photagrapher as well!
I'm glad to hear that you like the new diamond stones and yea, that CBN emulsion on the strops is pretty amazing stuff right? That's the same progression that I've been using on my BHDs too- 300, 600, 1500 grit diamonds followed by the strop with 4 micron CBN. Face shaving sharp, and it doesn't take very long either.
Dave T, the Jewelstick is a 3 sided diamond hone with the same 3 grits as the gold series hones. It's just convex shaped instead of flat so it can sharpen concave blades like Simmons. I don't have a convex strop to go with the Jewelstick yet but we hope to add one in the not too distant future. Until then it would be fairly simple to make one with a 1/2"- 3/4" wood dowel with a piece of thin leather glued to it. Could even drill a hole in one end so that the guide rod would screw in. Thanks very much again to everyone!