I second the idea of the classifieds here. You will make your money back on the bow plus some, and for getting other gear it will save you quite a bit in the long run. Plus (and this cant be ovet stated) problems like you experienced with the auction site are a non-issue. You're dealing with great people who know what they're talking about. Then, as you try different bows you can always sell and trade. It creates an endless circle of options that save a bunch of money. As for what bow, with a $400-$1100 budget you have so many options that you are only limited by your personnal tastes. Recurve, R/D, one piece, 2, 3 piece, custom, factory, ad nauseam. No one is going to be able to come by here and say whats best, they're ALL best! Haha. Some bows are more forgiving for some than others and vice versa. Shoot the nomad, if you really like it than just copy its specs on a bow that matches it only has the options you want (wood, 2 piece, etc.). But be warned, i highly doubt you're shopping for your 'final' bow... Just your 'next' bow. And welcome!