So I have been in a little funk and have had limited time to hunt thus far in October. I have had 7 total sits and I killed coyotes 3 of those, missed a fat doe in my Ghilli, and passed a fawn, a forky, and a coon.
I usually have a rule here: no does in November! Reason being, I have done it before and had Mr. Big with her. Well, my wife is asking for a deer for the freezer and is tired of me dragging in coyotes. Tonight I went to a farm I have permission to hunt that gets hammered during gun season. I figured no way I'd have trouble running into good bucks and more likely to have a little forky or something push me a doe. I was almost right!
The first deer of the night was a forky. Walked right to me and I got good video. Just not what I wanted. Finally I see a couple of does easing my way and I get ready. I tried to video but bailed on it as it was happening quick. I should have checked the thicket for a buck but I drew, dropped the string and watched her run off after a near perfect hit. As I turned to hang up my bow there he stood: an absolute beast. He saw me do the whole thing...I even got some video of him and actually got him to come to within 30 yards by lowering my rattling antlers to the ground on the tow rope and flopping them. Unfortunately he caught me moving to the other side of the tree with my bow. Busted!!!!
Still though a great night, and with a little help from my friend Dirtnap Dave (Sheltoncreeker), I had her loaded and home in no time. He and I have been on some serious blood trails this fall. Believe or not she went 200 yards with both lungs flat. Either way, she is going to make some fantastic vittles!
Thanks to my buddy Dave who is always there when the phone rings! Helped with the track and got to hear me bellyache about Moby, the one that got away. I hustled some tenderloin into the house and cooked it up for my twelve year old and his mother. He told me it was the best meat he has ever eaten. Now THAT makes up for Moby