yes fireman 3311 there are guy's that do " experimental archilogy"(sp),probably could google it... basicly you hit away(pecking) at a stone with another stone(hammer stone), till it has the rough outline and then rub it against a corser grained stone(grinding, polish) to finaly shape the tool. The tools found on a site can tell you what went on there... you find hammer stones,knapping tool's, alot of flakes and debris...probably a site that was used alot and for long derations..... few flakes, broke points and not much hard stone tool's,,, probably a kill site or hunting camp. There are alot of stone tools that seem to be "just another rock ", but if you learn the types/styles that were used in your area so much more can be learned from the tools then the points and blades.... still like the blades though..hehehe